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Pays: United States
Ville: pas de données
On est venu se joindre: il y a 7 mois
Sexe: Masculin
Situation de famille: Veuf / Veuve
Ajouté: rien
L'âge: 56
Orientation: Bisexuel(le)
Favoris: 2 vidéos , 1 playlist
Sur moi:
Naturally naughty even as a toddler, my first grade I was a most cooperative and completely consenting, going all in at consummating the cravings of carnality of a very select few. Needless to say, I was totally down with being turned out because it involved getting sucked off, rimmed out, okay with fat fuzzy.pussy for a couple girls and, my favorite, the thrill of having at a mesmerizing pair of 34 c cup titties at night as that this unnamed female cousin chose me as her bunk mate.????????

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